Dear Volunteer,
Thank you so much for the service that you provide this school in its efforts to ensure a high-quality education for each of our students. We believe that it is because of volunteers that Sandcreek Middle School ranks as one of the top academic schools in the district, and in this state.
In an effort to ensure the continued safety of your children, the district has adopted a policy designed to help ensure that all volunteers provide identification information in addition to agreeing to comply with the Volunteer’s Code of Confidentiality. By providing this information and your continued volunteer efforts, Sandcreek Middle School will be able to maintain its continued excellence in education.
We would ask that those of you that volunteer in our school, stop by the office to fill out a Volunteer Information Sheet, give us a copy of your driver's license, and read and sign a copy of the Volunteer’s Code of Confidentiality form. All information is confidential and will help ensure that our children remain safe in our school.
I thank you for your willingness to partner with our school through your service.
Mr. Patterson